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The Battle of Lugh and Balor


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I'm still trying to improve my style.

In this occasion, here is one of the chapters of Celtic mythology I like the most: the fight between Lugh, the celtic god of Sun, and Balor of the Fomors, his grandfather and foe. It was said that Balor was an one-eyed giant that kept his eye closed, but at the moment he opened it, he was capable of killing instantly in one look an entire army. You can imagine how it ended: Lugh won him by sticking his spear into the Fomor's eye at the moment he was about to open it.

Hope you like it :)

Sigo intentándo renovar un poco mi estilo.

En este caso con un capítulo que me encanta en el ciclo mitológico irlandés: el combate entre Lugh, el dios del sol celta y Balor de los fomorianos, su abuelo y también principal adversario. Se decía de él que era un gigante con un sólo ojo que mantenía cerrado, pero que en el momento en que lo abría, era capaz de aniquilar de una sóla mirada ejércitos enteros. Os podéis imaginar cómo acabo, Lugh lo derribó ensartándo en el su lanza en el preciso momento en que se disponía a abrirlo.

Espero que os guste :)
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6496x3840px 3.01 MB
© 2009 - 2024 Ionus
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This is a wondrous depiction of the climactic moments of the apocalyptic battle between Lugh and his grandfather Balor. The Light-Bringer vs the Dark Lord, about to slay his own kin by the only manner possible: a spear through Balor's eye - which levied death upon all it saw upon opening - with the half Danaan Lugh thrusting his spear into the deathly orb of his Fomorian grandfather, sending him and the Fomorians  aos sí (to the other side or underworld, allowing them escape for one night per year only, the anniversary of the battle Samhain, aka Halloween